Tales from the Service: The Calm After the Storm
2953-01-29 – Tales from the Service: The Calm After the Storm
The duel, taking place as it did right in the middle of the enemy staging area, put an end to all expectations of a fresh assault up the hill. F.V.D.A. troopers now watched over the parapet with little fear of being picked off by enemy lasers from far below; those Incarnation soldiers who weren’t trying to aid their outnumbered champion were keeping their heads down.
“Shouldn’t we be trying to help?” One trooper muttered to his neighbor.
The other scowled and nodded his head toward the beige cloud and the sounds of mechanical thunder echoing within. “You want to charge down there, you be my guest.”
Mauro Sorensen hated being on the sidelines when his own life was hanging in the balance, but intervening did seem rather questionable. Anyone heading down there would catch the attention of the enemy before he made it halfway. Sure, the company could spray railshot in that direction, since the slugs fired by their carbines maintained lethal velocity over ten times the distances involved, but there was no reasonable chance of hitting anything, especially not when anything that it would make a difference to hit was concealed in a dust pall.
Though blue-violet flashes of laser fire ionizing dust regularly lit the melee in flashes of apparent stillness, it was impossible to see what was going on between the lone Incarnation titan and its quartet of shorter, stouter Marine antagonists. No doubt, Mauro’s guesses about the speed and agility of the enemy suit design were all too accurate; every time he saw its gaunt silhouette, it seemed to be in a totally different place.
Eventually, though, the heavy autocannons mounted to four Kodiak suits proved too much. After one particularly fearsome fusillade, there was the sound of tearing metal, then a crash that rattled the ground even at the hilltop. After that, there was no more laser fire, but the cannons continued to roar. It was impossible now to see what was going on, but Mauro’s companions let out a ragged cheer.
The smoke and dust cleared a few minutes later, and Mauro could clearly see the utter ruin that had been made of every Incarnation vehicle that had been down on the plain. It looked like not one of the armored troop carriers had escaped the notice of the four Marines in their huge assault suits. The transport aircraft that had been hit in the first moments of the assault still burned fiercely, and their Incarnation counterpart lay awkwardly on the ground, its metal torso split open and smoldering.
Over all this ruin stood the four Kodiaks, now watchfully still. Two of them were badly scorched by laser fire, and the arm of a third was missing below the elbow joint. Mauro shuddered to think of what might have been if there had been four of the agile Incarnation suits instead of only one.
The captain appeared at the parapet and surveyed the scene for a long moment. “Sorensen, take three men and a hovercart. Go down there and see if there’s anything we can use up here worth salvaging.”
“Aye, sir.” Mauro turned and snapped a salute. “Just four of us? There’s probably a lot of infantry stragglers left.”
The captain shrugged. “I don’t doubt it. But they won’t be so willing to pop their heads out as long as those big lunks are standing there. Make it fast.”
Mauro saluted again, then headed toward where he and the others had stowed the company’s hovercarts. They’d come in with four of these lightweight gravitic sleds, three of them loaded down with ammunition.
Espinosa followed Mauro without a word, evidently deciding that he wanted to go along. Mauro flagged down Kremmer and Lyon as well; they were troopers he knew better than most of the company, and who he knew he could rely on.
Despite his misgivings, once the quartet had manhandled the hovercart over the parapet and started their descent, they encountered no trouble. There were still a few dead Incarnation soldiers among the rocks marking where the first assault had failed, and Espinosa checked to make sure each one was dead before rifling their pockets and tossing their packs on the cart. Most Nate gear was useful only as souvenirs to the F.V.D.A rank and file, but Incarnation infantry ration packs were a highly prized commodity.
They came under fire only once during the descent, and that apparently by a single Incarnation solder who fired at them three or four times, hit nothing, then fled while Mauro and his companions were hugging the dirt. Lyon thought he saw a flash of grey uniform atop the brow of a low ridge a little while later, but no danger appeared in that direction.
The group reached the scene of the battle just as the area was once again overflown by low-flying Pumas. The two least-damaged-looking Kodiaks had moved to face outward, toward the flat expanse of the desert, and the one missing an arm had fallen back almost to the foot of the hill.
Mauro, seeing that they would have to pass close by the feet of this titan, extended his helmet comms antenna and switched it to broadcast. “Kodiak unit... err...” He squinted to make out the scorched markings. “741-AS-Beta. I will be passing your location. Do you have us on your sensors?”
“This is Four-One Beta.” The voice of the Kodiak operator was mellow and resonant, nothing like Mauro had expected. “I have been tracking your progress. You are clear to proceed.”
“Thank you, Four-One Beta.” Mauro waved the others forward.
Obviously, I am using identification number schemes for this post which do not resemble those of the Kodiaks deployed on Montani or anywhere else, but this information is not vital to understand Mr. Sorensen’s account.
Sorensen and his associates did get close enough to the destroyed Cyclops armor-suit to get good pictures, but these did not even reach me uncensored; Naval Intelligence would not permit him to broadcast them without considerable blurring. I can say that what was visible was of a machine in utter ruin; very little inside the machine survived, and if there was anything left of the operator, it would be difficult indeed to identify.
[N.T.B. - Though I’ve no doubt this new weapon is a capable machine, there seems no way Nate can manufacture it on the worlds they’ve captured on the Coreward Frontier and no reasonable way to ship them across the Gap in numbers sufficient to make a meaningful difference in the conflict there. Most likely, we’ll be seeing more of them over here in Sagittarius. In fact, I would be surprised if Bosch’s people aren’t running into these things nearly everywhere over in Kyaroh space, since that front is the closest to Incarnation industrial centers.]
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- Written by Duncan L. Chaudhri
Tales from the Service: A View From Headquarters, Part 11
2953-02-05 – Tales from the Service: A View From Headquarters, Part 11
Though it has been nearly two years since we’ve done a proper sit down with Admiral Abarca, I doubt any of you have felt left out of Seventh Fleet’s confidence in that time. Both Nojus and I have met with the admiral on many occasions, and spoken with him many more times at official functions. He is very familiar with the press pool here at Sagittarius and his staff is far more responsive than Admiral Zahariev’s was when we were embedded with Fifth Fleet. As long as we imperil no military secrets, he is only too happy to answer our queries.
When we reached out with a list of questions about the Kyaroh front and Force 73, the admiral suggested we sit down for an official interview to answer them. As is common for this sort of conversation, you can view video excerpts of the interview on the main Cosmic Background datasphere hub.
This interview was conducted in-person aboard the battleship Philadelphia in the Sagittarius Gate system on 2 February.
D.L.C. - Duncan Chaudhri is a junior editor and wartime head field reporter for Cosmic Background.
N.T.B. - Nojus Brand is a long-time explorer, datasphere personality, and wartime field reporter for Cosmic Background.
K.T.K. - Captain Kenneth Kempf is the Naval Intelligence attaché to Seventh Fleet commander Admiral Shun Abarca.
S.R.A. - Admiral Shun R. Abarca is the commander of Seventh Fleet.
[D.L.C.] - Good afternoon Admiral Abarca. And you, Captain Kempf. Thank you for sitting down with us today.
[S.R.A.] - Always a pleasure, gentlemen.
[N.T.B.] - The situation is very different than when we last sat down, isn’t it?
[K.T.K.] - How so, Mr. Brand?
[N.T.B.] - Seventh Fleet has been on the offensive for the better part of two years. The perimeter is steadily expanding, and things are safe enough here at the Gate that you’ve sent some of your best cruisers off to Kyaroh space.
[S.R.A.] - It is true that Force 73 contains some of our most modern vessels, but this was due to the needs of the mission, not because we did not have other uses for them. The dire situation the Kyaroh and our other Sagittarius-native allies find themselves in demanded attention.
[K.T.K.] - It is no secret that the cruisers of Force 73 would have been the forward mobile operating force of our next major offensive. The planetary assaults of last year, though important, were small affairs by the standards of what this fleet can do when it is massed.
[D.L.C.] - I’d guessed that, since few of the battleships in the fleet have seen much action since raids on Sagittarius Gate itself have become rare. Ashkelon hasn’t even been out of system since-
[K.T.K.] - Let’s not be too specific about that on the record. Suffice to say that most of the battlewagons are spending most of their time close to home port.
[S.R.A.] - They do get out occasionally, as you well know, but we like to avoid discussing the specifics of these operations on public media. You understand I’m sure.
[D.L.C.] - Of course, Admiral. My apologies.
[S.R.A.] - Returning to the topic of the day, Force 73, I do not like Mr. Brand’s characterization that it is an offensive maneuver. The force’s mission is to spoil enemy attacks on Kyaroh colonies, not to go on the offensive in the deep Corward flank of Incarnation space. It only appears as an offensive because the force is deployed so far forward relative to our own holdings.
[N.T.B.] - Of course the tactical objective is defensive, but surely you think of it as a strategic offensive, Admiral? That’s how all the analysts are reading it.
[S.R.A.] - I do not keep up with the opinions of the datasphere analysts. If you are characterizing them correctly, I disagree. Force 73’s mission is a defensive one only, at the tactical, operational, and strategic level. Logistics prohibit it from being anything else.
[D.L.C.] - Lack of logistics seems like a more accurate assessment.
[S.R.A.] - Indeed. A force not properly supplied can hardly be on the offensive, but it can get in the way and disrupt enemy operations. We cannot supply any offensive along that avenue.
[N.T.B.] - Why would you tell us that, if the enemy can read this interview same as the people back home?
[K.T.K.] - The Incarnation knows this already. It does not help their situation. They can withdraw their forces from Kyaroh space without real concern that Force 73 is in their flank, but to do so takes the pressure off the Kyaroh themselves. Eventually, they will have to do this anyway.
[S.R.A.] - As it is, their expenditure of forces on at least three fronts – it may be more, as we do not know if there are other peoples in Sagittarius who are similarly suffering – is quite baffling. If the Incarnation focused all its ships and troops on us here at Sagittarius Gate, they would stand the best chance of breaking our fortress and securing the Sagittarius Arm against us. I think that they do not know when to cut their losses. To wield their whole strength in one place, they would need to surrender their gains in the Coreward Frontier and abandon their claims in Kyaroh space.
[N.T.B.] - Baffling in that a Confederated leader would make different decisions? Yes, I suppose it would be. But quite like Nate from what we know of him.
[S.R.A.] - What we know of our enemy is a bundle of contradictions. You could predict any course of action and have grounds for it. This is perhaps their greatest intelligence success; we know much about their equipment and tactics, but little about the motives and tendencies of their leaders on the strategic level.
[D.L.C.] - Your candor in this is refreshing as always, Admiral Abarca. But do you think you are saying too much?
[S.R.A.] - I am not saying too much, Mr. Chaudhri. If I was, Mr. Kempf would have stopped me. What this fleet regards as sensitive information has not been exposed.
[D.L.C.] - So do you expect the Incarnation fleet to withdraw from Kyaroh suppression activities? And if it did, would Force 73 return to the main body of the fleet?
[S.R.A.] - I think eventually their forces will withdraw, but it will not be soon, nor will it be all at once. They will not simply surrender that angle in their conquests, even though that would be the coldly rational thing to do once they are brought to a halt.
[N.T.B.] - And at some point, the level of forces that way will be low enough that the Kyaroh won’t need our ships anymore.
[S.R.A.] - Eventually. But at that point, once again, there is a decision point where the enemy is impossible to predict. If our ships departed, the enemy might redouble his efforts there all over again unless his forces were pinned down elsewhere.
[D.L.C.] - Which means offensives – real ones – to pin them down elsewhere, right? Make them defend things they care about more than Kyaroh systems.
[S.R.A.] - We shall see. I certainly hope we can do that without exposing Sagittarius Gate itself.
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- Written by Duncan L. Chaudhri
Tales from the Service: A View From Headquarters, Part 12
2953-02-12 – Tales from the Service: A View From Headquarters, Part 12
This week we continue with the conversation whose transcript was published in part last week. As always, excepts from the recording can be viewed on our main datasphere hub.
This interview was conducted in-person aboard the battleship Philadelphia in the Sagittarius Gate system on 2 February.
D.L.C. - Duncan Chaudhri is a junior editor and wartime head field reporter for Cosmic Background.
N.T.B. - Nojus Brand is a long-time explorer, datasphere personality, and wartime field reporter for Cosmic Background.
K.T.K. - Captain Kenneth Kempf is the Naval Intelligence attaché to Seventh Fleet commander Admiral Shun Abarca.
S.R.A. - Admiral Shun R. Abarca is the commander of Seventh Fleet.
[N.T.B.] - Something about that bothers me. The idea that we’d sacrifice ships and spacers in an offensive meant entirely as a diversion to prevent Nate from attacking a third party.
[S.R.A.] - I understand to a point, but is that not already what we are doing with Force 73? The offensive I speak of would have more concrete objectives that advance our cause directly than those assigned to that group.
[N.T.B.] - Hmm...
[D.L.C.] - Operational decisions partly based on what’s good for our allies is nothing new. I was only a teenager then, but I followed the Brushfire War almost religiously, and that was a big part of the challenge that made Third Fleet divide its forces, as I recall.
[S.R.A.] - Indeed. Much has been said about the decisions made in that conflict, about the decision to protect Cold Refuge at the expense of immediate pursuit of the ships that destroyed Nova Paris. In the end, though, I don’t know anyone who was actually there who has come out to criticize the command decisions of the campaign. Not even the hothead cruiser captains like Bosch and Meyer, who spend most of the campaign bombarding fleet command with requests for more aggressive maneuvers, wanted any part of the post-hoc debate.
[N.T.B.] - Bosch? As in, the same Captain Samuel Bosch who’s out there commanding Force 73 now?
[K.T.K.] - Er, yes. You didn’t know he served in the Brushfire?
[N.T.B.] - Well I’d heard he did, but I didn’t realize he was a cruiser captain even back then. He must have been what, twenty-three T-years?
[K.T.K.] - Something like that. Third Fleet had very young cruiser captains at the time. Five light cruiser commands were held by officers under the age of thirty.
[N.T.B.] - Sunfire. That’s too damned young.
[S.R.A.] - Perhaps it was. Only one of the five was promoted captain anything larger than a light cruiser before outbreak of the current hostilities. Bosch, in particular, held the same command for more than a decade, excepting a couple of terms teaching at the Academy.
[D.L.C.] - I thought that had more to do with the Yaxkin City incident.
[S.R.A.] - I have talked to his previous commanding admirals, and I do not think that is the case. Regardless, whatever reservations anyone held of his suitability for higher command, they died when he held the Lost Squadrons together.
[N.T.B.] - I suppose they would. But really, I didn’t know anyone was allowed to be a full captain that young.
[S.R.A.] - It is certainly not common. The 2930s were a different time, though. There were too many officers near retirement, and not enough at the middle of their careers. Some commands had to be given to young spacers who may not have been ready.
[D.L.C.] - Seems like that was mostly addressed leading up to this war, at least.
[S.R.A.] - Yes. Wartime re-enrollment of reservists will do that. Sadly, enlistees cannot fill officer roles, at least not in any reasonable time.
[D.L.C.] - I see.
[S.R.A.] - To return to Mr. Brand’s original concern, we were inevitably going to initiate an offensive at some point. The specific timing and direction of this offensive will be planned with our allies in mind. Confederated spacers will not be sacrificed in purely diversionary attacks, but this is war. Many lives will be lost before it is over.
[N.T.B.] - Yes, that part I know only too well.
[D.L.C.] - What do you think that attack will look like? Do we know enough about the Incarnation home worlds for them to be the next step?
[K.T.K.] - We know enough about them to know they will be a step, and have some idea of how to tackle them. But they are not the next step.
[S.R.A.] - While we are still not certain which systems are the most important within Incarnation space, we do know that the distances involved are such that we cannot simply take the whole fleet directly there, even if we could guarantee the security of Sagittarius Gate in the meantime. We will need a series of secure outposts that supplies and reinforcements crossing the Gap can follow.
[K.T.K.] - This is all standard operational parameters, of course. We are not telling you anything here that our foes do not already know. The details, such as they have been planned at this point, must of course remain secret.
[D.L.C.] - We should expect a series of short offensives to establish bases, then, and to secure them by driving Incarnation forces out of their own forward outposts.
[S.R.A.] - This process has been ongoing for the better part of two years already.
[N.T.B.] - Hausen’s World.
[K.T.K.] - Precisely. Hausen’s was a supply facility for Incarnation forces attacking us here at Sagittarius Gate.
[D.L.C.] - The enemy won’t just sit back and let you take these outposts, though. Nate will try to defend them. Take them back. Establish new ones.
[S.R.A.] - This also is ongoing, but we are seeing signs that they are not replacing equipment or personnel as quickly as we can. The Intelligence boys think they are setting up a new forward base right now, but it will probably not be nearly as sophisticated as the one we destroyed at Hausen’s, because they will be unwilling to risk so many lives and so much equipment without heavy defenses. We have our scouting formations out there looking for the new site, obviously.
[N.T.B.] - You’d think they’d be able to raise up a new supply depot out of the dirt of any world they chose in a few days, with all the nanotechnology they use.
[S.R.A.] - They probably can, at least the buildings. But who will staff it? Where will its inventory of food, parts, and weapons come from? Not even the Incarnation can form these things out of bare rock.
[[D.L.C.] - Rumors tell another story.
[K.T.K.] - Rumors are often the product of fear exaggerating the facts. Despite having some advantages in fabrication technology, the Incarnation does seem by all metrics to be falling behind us in war production. If this is not apparent, it is because of the long travel time of supplies across the Gap. But their forces on the far side are suffering from the same problem, as they face the better-supplied Fifth Fleet.
[D.L.C.] - That’s encouraging.
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- Written by Duncan L. Chaudhri
Tales from the Service: The Dreaming Gap
2953-02-19 – Tales from the Service: The Dreaming Gap
The supply line for Seventh Fleet is dependent on a tenuous link: the relatively small group of haulers that move cargo across the Gap from Maribel to Sagittarius Gate.
Obviously many things are now being made here in Sagittarius Gate from locally sourced materials, but spacers, troops, and well more than half of all military goods still need to be moved here from the Orion arm (and most of that comes from depots in the Core Worlds). As we have discussed here before, the Gap crossing is dangerous; there are no ports of call one can limp to on a faulty drive. Keeping to a directed course when no local stars provide easy fixes for navigation between jumps is incredibly challenging, and a search for a missing ship that did not keep exactly to its directed course is all but impossible.
To date, three large cargo ships have gone missing on the Gap run, and their entire compliment of spacers – 138 – are presumed dead. The causes of these losses remain unknown, but equipment failure the crews could not repair with onboard materials seems the most likely culprit.
Despite the unlikeliness of rescue missions, the Confederated Navy does maintain a search and patrol squadron for the Gap crossing, namely Force 57. Currently commanded by Admiral Erasmus Gray from the old but reliable cruiser Beringean, this squadron is in at least as much danger as the core elements of either of the engaged battle fleets, despite the fact that it has not, at least to my knowledge, ever fired a shot in anger.
Most of the vessels in Force 57 are older vessels with a reputation for reliability and have had some of their armaments removed and replaced with additional redundancy in their life support and drive systems.
A spacer aboard one of these vessels, the frigate Vashti Mandel, sent us this account of the toll this duty takes on spacers. I see no reason to doubt its accuracy.
Jerrard MacNeil slipped out of his bunk and dressed in the darkness, making as little noise as possible. It hardly mattered; the occupant of the top bunk was Dane Caroll, a rather heavy sleeper. Jerrard could have drop-kicked his duty boots across their shared cabin and Caroll would be unaffected.
As soon as he had buckled his duty belt and turned on his datapack, Jerrard slipped out into the corridor and headed aft, not quite sure where he was going. Mandel was not a particularly large ship, so he considered simply climb one of the accessways, walk across an upper deck, and then head back down to the crew quarters. That would give his thoughts time to settle, and maybe when he got back he could sleep.
It being the middle of third shift, the ship’s corridors were almost deserted. Though it was a warship in wartime, Mandel didn’t maintain a full round-the-clock crew compliment; shaving down the number of spacers aboard meant that the ship’s supplies lasted longer. Out in the Gap, range and time between resupplies were far more important than combat readiness time.
The slimmed-down crew was also why Jerrard only had one room-mate. Theoretically, a wartime crew for Mandel would be housed four to a cabin. His cousin was aboard a destroyer attached to one of the Fifth Fleet battlewagons, and probably did have to share a living space with three other spacers. Jerrard shuddered at the idea. Service on such a little ship was claustrophobic enough.
Sleep had all but eluded Jerrard for the past three shipboard days and nights. When he did sleep, his rest was plagued with strange nightmares, visions of sinuous monsters slithering through the void, coiling around the ship, or around him personally, and tightening their grip. Jerrard had heard of spacers letting the all-but-starless void of the Gap get to them, but he’d barely glanced out any of the viewports since they’d left Miskarney three weeks ago. Merely knowing the Gap was out there, that the ship was drifting in the purest void known to human exploration, seemed sufficient to activate his imagination, and his duties aboard ship, apparently, weren’t keeping his mind off it enough.
In one sense, Jerrard knew that the Gap was the most predictable place one could operate a spaceship. There was nothing there to encounter, not even clouds microscopic dust that could etch the hull – as long as Mandel didn’t break down or run out of supplies, the patrol would be as uneventful as the last three.
In another sense, Jerrard also knew that the Gap had an eerie reputation for swallowing ships whole. A third large hauler had disappeared a few weeks back, and the number of smaller vessels lost on the crossing had surpassed one hundred some time the previous year. In his own experience, equipment seemed more likely to break on Gap runs than anywhere else, and when things did break out in the Gap, they tended to break more catastrophically. Jerrard could imagine no rational reason for this to be, but he’d heard other gap crews tell of similar experiences.
Perhaps it was time to go down to the ship’s pharmacy and requisition sleeping pills. Jerrard considered this as he climbed two decks up the aft accessway. He couldn’t simply tough out the insomnia forever, not without it affecting his work. He spent eight hours a day in engineering, and even though the gravitic drive on which he worked was unlikely to see much hard use, he would be punished if he slipped up from fatigue and damaged the system.
On deck two, Jerrard exited the accessway and nearly ran into a pair of technicians who’d who had pulled up one of the deck panels and were tinkering with some system exposed beneath. The pair barely glanced up at him, but that slight glance showed him deeply shadowed, red-rimmed eyes that probably mirrored his own. Jerrard sidled past them as they returned their attention to their work and continued down the corridor, past the gunnery stations, the empty compartments where additional gunnery stations had once been installed, the shear-screen control station, and a few other combat duty compartments. Most of the doors on deck two were kept closed at all times, which was why he’d picked this level for his idle walking, but now he wished they were open, so he could see if everyone on duty in the middle of the shipboard night was as fatigue-bleary as he and those technicians. Idly, he wondered if everyone aboard was suffering from low-level insomnia as he was. Perhaps it was just a consequence of working out in the Gap, that one’s mind became oppressed.
Jerrard shook off this thought as he reached the forward accessway and began to descend. Surely that was nonsense. More likely, to most everyone aboard, the Gap patrols were a safe but dull duty, doing their unglamorous part for the war effort. After all, the oppression was all in his head, wasn’t it? The nightmares were just that. There were no horrors in the Gap, except the ones spacers brought with them.
Jerrard had almost convinced himself of this by the time he returned to his own cabin door. With a sigh, he slipped back inside.
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- Written by Duncan L. Chaudhri
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